Saturday, July 28, 2012


Personally I thought one of the key moments in this story was when Bob gets setup by Madge. On page 180, Madge quote "Stop, N! Don't , N! N, don't Oh, please don't kill me, N...."
The narrator has readers very anxious to see what will happen next. The climax of the story takes place when Bob is confronted by an angry mob, they are fueled by Madge cries of rape. In those days black males were considered worthless. It started with slavery, being slaves African American were thought of and treated as subhuman. With that being said no one  second guessed that Rob wouldn't rape Madge. The narrator infomed us in a lot of ways how racism was still a factor, everyday Bob woke up in fear, afraid one day he would have to face a life and dealth situation. Rob quote " Every white person I come into contact with, every one I have to speak to, even those I pass the street- every g*ddamn one of them has got the power of some kind of control over my own behaviour" (Himes 166-167) Bob ends up getting beaten to a pulp, which led me to believe his thoughts came true. I was left wondering if he would die at that very moment or sent to a penitentiary.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


     As I continued to read Ruth Hall, I discovered a lot about her. Being in a class room full of students has been very eye opening. I'm able to hear their opinions on the books which in turn makes me see The main protagonist Ruth Hall in different perspectives. I see Ruth as a middle aged lady who has had a tough life. She was raised by her father, she has a brother who had a chauvinistic view of females and didn't truly respect her because of her sex. I don't know to much about the 18 century but from what I have learned. I am so glad I was not born in that era. Women of that era were not respected at all they were viewed as objects. I can not understand why people were so cruel in that time period. I honestly believe that our societys additude towards women has changed (since that era). 
     Ruth is on her own after her husband past away and  her in laws, ,father, brother and long time friends don't seem interested in giving her a helping hand. Eventually She comes across a few people who pity her and they help her out by giving her money, room and board. The thing that really puzzled me was why where so many people talking badly of her when her back was turned. Ruth was a good wife and a good mother to her children and it seems that everyone is either just concieded or too focused on their own issues to care about her. I could understand the towns cold shoulder treatment if she neglected her family or was a horriably wife,but their treatment was totaly uncalled for.Her husband was well known and he was a good man to people. Oh! but when I think about it now, those days were very ruff for females. It's bad enough we were considered as nothing we were being used in every type of way. I'm sure they were going through a lot of stress. No wonder we didn't live long in those days, but for me it feels good to help people out even when I am going through things. 
     The one thing I can say about this book is that I don't really get Ruth Hall  true emotions, thought and fears. I can voice my own opinion by the things she has said and done.  Hall wanted everyone to see she can make it on her own without there help & she did successed. From my prospective she was a quiet woman who didn't have a mother figure due to the fact the mother was deseased. She didn't learn what the other females learned,  so other  people thought  she was abserd  and possibly did  things intentionally to upset them. At the same Hall could of tried to lived up to their standard but it just wasn't her thing. She was real to herself, if she wanted to go out without wearing a bonnet, that's what she di, If she wanted to walk bare foot so be it. She was not worried about anyone  looking down  upon her. She did her job as a wife and and mother and that was gratifying to her.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Reading Ruth Hall

I started reading Ruth Hall the assigned book from my English class and discovered that i have a hard time with the dialect the charterers speak in. despite this disability i have found the book enjoyable so far.